Hi, I'm Beck and this is the first website I've ever coded in HTML. Like the homepage says, this was made for
an English class. Dollie is a character crafted over my time there, and her diaries were written as assignemts over the span
of a year while we read through the Harry Potter series.
As of writing this, I'm 18 years old and about to graduate from high school. I don't know how useful HTML will be down
the road but I've had so much fun working on this project. I love the old web and the customization sites like geocities
had to offer, and it's sad to see everything becoming so polished and pristine. Bring back the era of tacky web design!
Getting real stream of conciousness now but thank you for checking my site out! Hopefully this reaches more people than my English
teacher LOL. If you want to find more of me, my personal neocities is here, and my carrd is here. See ya!